The sixth International Conference on Israeli and International documentary filmmaking is scheduled for July 18, 2017 as part of the Jerusalem International Film Festival. The mission of the conference is to bring together filmmakers and scholars of various disciplines to think jointly about issues central to Israeli documentary filmmaking and on its linkages to contemporary international filmmaking. Given the recent surge in the number of documentaries made by women in Israel as well as world-wide, this year, the conference will focus on the female gaze in documentary filmmaking.
The conference is organized by Orna Raviv (Shenkar College), Shai Ginsburg (Duke University), Avner Faingulernt (Sapir College), Elad Samorzik (Jerusalem Cinematheque) and Osnat Trabelsy (Documentary Filmmakers' Forum).
Tuesday, July 18, 2017, at Beit Hansen, 14 Gedalyahu Alon st., Jerusalem 10:00-17:00
Lectures will be delivered in English and Hebrew.
Simultaneous interpretation into both languages is available.
Free transportation from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem Cinematheque for those who register in advance.
Entrance is free and is open to the general public.
Advanced registration at
Yoram Honig, Director, the Jerusalem Film and Television Fund | Launching the Documentary Film Development Program for Young Filmmakers
12.00- 10.30
Ziv Naveh, Director General, Gesher Multicultural Film Fund | Screen Awe, between Haredi Cinema and Cinema
Yael Silman and Anna Oliker, Haredi filmmakers | Documentary filmmaking from the Perspective of Haredi Women
Zohar Wagner, Documentary filmmaker, performance artist, teacher and poet | Body Exposure in Cinema: Obscene or Legitimate?
12.00-12.15 Coffee Break
Mauro Carbone, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Institut Universitaire de France | Female Gaze, Female Glance (from a Male Spectator's Point of View).
Lior Elefant, Head of Israeli Women in Film and Television Forum | Wiser Beyond her Years: On Lina Chaplin's The Octettes.
Netalie Braun, Documentary Filmmaker | Hope I'm in the Frame: a Talk on the Cinema of Michat Bat-Adam
13.45-14.30 Lunch Break
Bracha L. Ettinger, Artist, philosopher, psychoanalyst. EGS, Saas-Fee. TAICP, NLS, WAP | Matrixial Gaze and Space: The Uncanny Foreignness of Love
Dan Angelo Muggia, Head of Film Department, Faculty of Arts - Hamidrasha, Beit Berl College | In the Eyes of the She-holder: on Female Free Indirect Gaze
15.45-16.00 Coffee Break
Yvonne Kozlovsky Golan, Chair, MA Program For Culture and Film Studies, University of Haifa Israel | Ronit Elkabetz: Mother/Nation/Country - in Joseph Dadoune’s video art Zion
Shai Biderman, Beit Berl College and Tel Aviv University | True Crime, Fictitious Perceptions: Male Perpetrators and Female Victims in True Crime Documentary