Friends of the Festival
Jerusalem cinematheque is proud to give a stage to the art of the cinematheque employees, young artists and film enthusiasts from Jerusalem. In their works, the artists explore the subject of characters through visual art.
In the world of cinema we are used to see stars and heroes, the main characters lead us through the plot of the films, lead us through their personal story and share with us drama, action, tension and various emotional experiences. Sometimes they also manage to teach us something important along the way...
In the exhibition before you, you can see the multitude of main characters created by the Cinematheque artists.
In photography or painting, in black and white or in colors on canvas or through a computer screen, each and every one found the special and right way for them to create and present the main characters in their works and tell the story through them.
In works of art, the protagonist often has an Achilles heel, a flaw or trait that brings about their downfall. Within these works, the protagonist operates within a self-contained system of their own creation. They embrace their pain and use it as a source of strength, as though it were a remedy. Whether through the use of masks to conceal their true selves or through the creation of internal voices to guide them, all of these tactics serve to perpetuate their emotional wounds, leading to an eternal return to the burning loneliness - the true Achilles heel of their story. Without an antagonist, without allowing anyone to come close enough to be one, how can we truly become a protagonist, a main character?
Nechama Bazak
Opening: Tuesday, 09.05.23, 19:00 at the Gallery, Hall 3
האמנים והאמניות:
דניאלה פרידמן |Daniela Fridman
| נחמה בזק Nechama Bazak
| ליאור ויגדרזון Lior Wigderson
| שירה לובלסקי Shira Lubelsky
מיכאל פרנקו |Michael Franco
| ענבר גרשטיין Inbar Gershtein