Monthly Screenings
The Future of Israeli Cinema
Special Conference at the 41st Jerusalem Film Festival

A special day, a conference on the future of Israeli cinema, where we will try to examine where we are headed, what challenges lie ahead and suggest how we can overcome them.

Sunday, July 21st, 2024 | Cinematheque 4 Hall



Pitch Point Shorts in Collaboration with the Gesher Multicultural Film Fund
Moderator: Liat Har Lev



Beyond Cinema - A Conversation with Jewish Film Festival Directors

The 41st Jerusalem Film Festival will host a group of Jewish Film Festival Directors to discuss questions that arise when creating Jewish film programs in today's day and age. How are artistic choices made and what gives Jewish Film Festivals their distinctive character? Jewish Film Festivals are at a crossroads, and each one of us must address our respective communities according to its needs. A conversation on curatorship, challenges, and the meaning of a film community. 

Moderator: Daniella Tourgeman Glass, Jerusalem Jewish FF


  • Bernd Buder, Berlin Jewish FF
  • Sandra Cywis, Barcelona Jewish FF
  • Alain Kupchik, Brussels Jewish FF
  • Roman Lesny, Prague Jewish FF
  • Magda Strehlau, Warsaw Jewish FF
  • Dalit Katz, Israel FF, Wesleyan University
  • Meir Fenigstein, Israel FF, Los Angeles
  • Victor Prokovyev, Pioner Cinema, Russia


Kindly supported by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



Cinema in Conflict

Israeli filmmakers discuss filmmaking after October 7th, and the way the war is reflected and impacts their work.

Moderator: Ben Shani, Documentary Filmmaker, reporter for the Uvda news program and host of the Raw Materials podcast


  • Noa Aharoni, Director (Dr. Rudy - The Naked Truth, Sabotage, Nobody's Soldiers)
  • Dani Rosenberg, Director (The Death of Cinema and My Father Too, The Vanishing Soldier)
  • Tom Shoval, Director (Youth, Shake Your Cares Away, The Echo of Your Voice)
  • Uri Shinar, Media Entrepreneur and Former Keshet CEO (spearheaded a volunteer project producing 54 films for the Hostages and Missing Families Forum)

*The event will be held in Hebrew with simultaneous translation into English.



Art in the Age of AI

Right now, in the midst of the Artificial Intelligence hurricane, the film industry is discovering the infinite possibilities and dangers brought on by the AI revolution (and yes, this description was also written by ChatGPT).

Moderator: Omri Marcus, Creative and AI Strategist


  • Ari Folman, Screenwriter, Director, and Producer (Saint Clara, Waltz with Bashir, The Congress, Where Is Anne Frank)
  • Alon Yaar, VP Product, LTX Studio
  • Matan Shalita, Graphic Designer and Photographer (design and branding for the Jerusalem Film Festival)  



Conference:The Ministry of Culture’s Film Reform

Moderator: Nirit Anderman, Journalist at Ha'aretz


  • Naftali Alter, Member of the Israel Film Council
  • Moti Sklar, Member of the Israel Film Council
  • Katriel Schory, Producer, CEO of the Israel Film Fund 1999-2019
  • Lior Tamam, CEO, Screenwriters Guild of Israel
  • Adar Shafran, Chairman, IPAC - Israel producers TV and film association
  • Limor Pinhasov, Head of the Israeli Directors’ Guild
  • Roni Aboulafia, chairperson, The Israeli Documentary Forum
  • Liran Atzmor, Director and Producer (Sapir, King Bibi, Presenting Princess Shaw, The Law in This Parts)
  • Tal Granit, Director, Screenwriter, and Producer (Flawless, The Farewell Party)
  • Joseph Cedar, Filmmaker (Time of favor, Bufor, Footnote)


The events are free of charge and open to the public. Entrance is on a space available basis.