Monthly Screenings


Diego Maradona
Dir.: Asif Kapadia | 130 minutes

Diego Maradona

UK 2019 | 130 minutes | English, Spanish | Hebrew, English subtitles

Although Diego Maradona is considered the greatest soccer player of all time, this documentary is about much more than soccer. It’s about a man who became a cultural icon in two countries: first in his homeland, Argentina, and later in Italy, where he transitioned from idol status to the most hated man in the country. It appears that the only thing greater than Maradona’s talent was his self-sabotage; therefore, it is not surprising that British documentarian Asif Kapadia chose Maradona’s rise and fall as the subject of his new film. In Kapadia’s trilogy that began with Senna and continued with Amy, he employs a similar style—instead of “talking heads,” he bases his portrait on rhythmic editing and vivacious filmmaking.
