Monthly Screenings

Dreaming Dogs

Dir.: Elsa Kremser, Levin Peter
| 76 minutes

A pack of strays - seven dogs and one woman - live in Moscow’s city shadows. They remain in a state of constant restlessness as cracks in the city reveal a savage landscape. Shot entirely from the animals’ point of view, patterns of taming and mutual dependence become blurred.

Flavors of Iraq

Dir.: Leonard Cohen
| 95 minutes

Following his father's death, French-Iraqi journalist Feurat Alani reflects on his father's journey from Iraq to France. He revisits his own personal story as an immigrant son and the country’s current history.

Gaucho Gaucho

Dir.: Michael Dweck, Gregory Kershaw
| 85 minutes

Three-time Sundance-fêted filmmakers Gregory Kershaw and Michael Dweck return with a celebration of a community of Argentine cowboys and cowgirls, known as Gauchos, living beyond the boundaries of the modern world.

Henry Fonda for President

Dir.: Alexander Horwath
| 184 minutes

Film historian Alexander Horwath suspects that actor Henry Fonda’s view as the “conscience of the USA” doesn’t paint the full picture. It is the more convoluted paths of Fonda’s biography and how he played roles and embodied attitudes that truly interest Horwath.

The Invasion

Dir.: Sergei Loznitsa
| 145 minutes

Shot over a two-year period, Sergei Loznitsa's film portrays civilian life all over Ukraine and presents a unique and ultimate statement of Ukrainian resilience in the face of a barbaric invasion.